

Children within this age group wonder about the world and how it works. At the preschool, learners have the opportunity to question and look for answers as they are engaged in inquiries about different concepts. They learn to make meaning of “the big ideas” and connect them to the real world around them.

Our Program

The preschool is a three year cycle that offers an English or French program to the 3, 4 & 5 years old children, while maintaining a strong tradition of teaching Arabic and Islamic religion. Our written curriculum is structured around the framework of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). Being an inquiry and concept-based program, students use their current understandings and diverse abilities to construct knowledge and make a deeper sense of what they learn. Our curriculum includes language arts, math, sciences, social studies, Arts, and personal, social, and physical education. In addition, students at the preschool receive library education and learn to use ICT skills in the process of learning. The highly experienced teachers at the preschool promote active learning and challenge the young learners to think critically and reflect on their thinking, actions, and decisions. The learning environment offers a safe and inviting context where students learn to cooperate and develop responsibility.

Our Goals Are

– To inspire our children to strive for excellence in all aspects of development: academic, intellectual, creative, social, physical and emotional.

– To foster active, compassionate and life-long learners based on the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.

– To provide a productive educational and academic culture that allows children to grow and develop in response to their individual needs and preferences.

-To promote the children’s development of personal attitudes in their actions and in dealing with others.

– To integrate children who are challenged with special needs in regular classes.

– To consolidate home-school connections through involving parents in school activities.

What is the Primary Years Program (PYP)?

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) is designed for students aged 3 to 12. It is a transdisciplinary programme of international education designed to foster the development of the whole child. Touching hearts as well as minds, it encompasses the academic development in addition to the social, physical, and emotional well-being of children having diverse personal needs and cultural backgrounds.

The PYP draws on research and best practice from a range of national systems with a wealth of knowledge and experience from international schools to create a relevant, engaging, challenging and significant educational framework for all children.

The aim of this programme is to nurture citizens of the world who are inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, balanced and reflective.

The curriculum framework consists of five essential elements: concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and action. The knowledge component is developed through inquiries into six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, supported and balanced by six subject areas illustrated in the model below: