Elementary School

Age range 6 -12

Learners at the elementary school maintain high quality education within the framework of the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The inquiry-based environment provokes the learners to question big ideas, investigate issues, consider a range of possibilities, and reflect on findings. Learners develop critical and meta-cognitive thinking as they pose real life problems and approach them. Learners in their final primary year culminate their PYP experience through the PYP Exhibition (see below).

What is the Primary Years Programme (PYP)?

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) is designed for students aged 3 to 12. It is a transdisciplinary programme of international education designed to foster the development of the whole child. Touching hearts as well as minds, it encompasses the academic development in addition to the social, physical, and emotional well-being of children having diverse personal needs and cultural backgrounds.
The PYP draws on research and best practice from a range of national systems with a wealth of knowledge and experience from international schools to create a relevant, engaging, challenging and significant educational framework for all children.
The aim of this programme is to nurture citizens of the world who are inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, balanced and reflective.
The curriculum framework consists of five essential elements: concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and action. The knowledge component is developed through inquiries into six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, supported and balanced by six subject areas illustrated in the model below:

The PYP Exhibition

The PYP Exhibition is an important event that unites students, teachers, parents, and other members in the school community in a collaborative experience that incorporates all essential elements of the PYP. Celebrating their transition from the primary to the middle school, the students culminate their PYP experience and exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile they have been developing throughout their engagement in the primary years. Through the PYP Exhibition, the students engage in an in-depth collaborative inquiry into community issues of local and global significance. Learners have the opportunity to apply the acquired skills and attitudes in a conceptual inquiry that they plan and carry out. This event also demonstrates how students can take action towards their own learning.

Latest Elementary School News

the interactive board

CP learners had a blast using the interactive board to play a game about action verbs during the English as an additional language session.


Also, this year, one of our teams won third place in the MAKLympics straw bridge competition ( Level 1). Big thanks to @MakassedSaida and to all the staff who worked to make this event successful.

Toutes nos félicitations à la déléguée Nazek Barraj et le codélégué Ismaël Ezzo!

Toutes nos félicitations à la déléguée Nazek Barraj et le codélégué Ismaël Ezzo! Chacun des candidats a mené une excellente campagne et tous les élèves de la classe de CM1 ont voté dans l’urne. Un vrai processus démocratique !

Félicitations à Bassel et Aida pour leur élection

Dans le cadre de l’apprentissage de la démocratie et de l’éducation à la citoyenneté,les élèves de CM2 ont été sensibilisés au rôle de délégué de classe en participant aux élections. Félicitations à Bassel et Aida pour leur élection

Grade 3 brought items from the past

Kicking off our new unit with a journey through time! Grade 3 brought items from the past, sharing their stories and reflecting on how these objects have changed through years. A meaningful start to exploring connections between history and today!
