Differentiation is a learning style
Differentiation is a learning style that is not unique but one of the tools that is done to help students who are struggling. The goal is to meet all the kids where they are.
Differentiation is a learning style that is not unique but one of the tools that is done to help students who are struggling. The goal is to meet all the kids where they are.
IB1 had a great discussion on how
communication& arguments reveal perspectives.They then prioritized their values& proudly posted them on the wall! A powerful reflection on what shapes our views on the environment
We’re thrilled to celebrate your incredible achievement of a 100% success rate and outstanding results in the official exams! Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have truly paid off.
Keep shining bright and setting new milestones! We’re so proud of each and every one of you.
Seniors Students’ Tree-Planting Activities for Sustainability! 🌱🌍#Remember, every tree planted contributes to a greener, healthier environment!
رسم متعلّمو الصف الحادي عشر ذكرياتٍ لا تنسى خلال رحلةٍ ترفيهيّةٍ قاموا بها إلى منطقة البترون.
كانت هذه الرحلة فرصة لهم للاستمتاع بجمال الطبيعة والترويح عن أنفسهم، وأيضًا لتعزيز قدراتهم على التواصل الفعّال وتطوير مهاراتهم الاجتماعية، ممّا زادهم تآخيًا، وتركت أروع الذكريات محفورةً في وجدانهم.
Celebrating the International Day for Living Together in Peace, we asked our students questions about peace. Here’s what they think!
Grade 10 students were able to delve into the nervous system by observing the spinal cord and neurons, and by using computer-assisted experiments to experience the patellar reflex
تألق من فضة يحصده منتخب حسام الدين الحريري في كرة القدم بفوزه بالمركز الثاني في بطولة لبنان للمدارس المنظمة من قبل البكالوريا الفرنسية. ألف مبروك