3rd graders participated in the activity Les Nuits de la Lecture
To encourage a love of reading and further promote learners’ engagement in creativity and expression, 3rd graders participated in the activity Les Nuits de la Lecture.
To encourage a love of reading and further promote learners’ engagement in creativity and expression, 3rd graders participated in the activity Les Nuits de la Lecture.
ستقبال لاعب كرة القدم الأستاذ مازن جمال بهدف التّعرّف على منظّمة الفيفا ،مهامها ،أهدافها ، أنشطتها والخدمات الّتي تقدّمها. محور كيف ننظّم أنفسنا متعلّمو الصّف الثّاني الأساسي
قام متعلمو الصف الاول الاساسي بزيارة المكتبة والتعرف على أمينة المكتبة إضافة إلى الاستماع إلى قصة السلحفاة ديزي الكسولة
Problem-solving in action! Today, Grade 3 learners uncovered the power of the CUBES strategy to tackle word problems and compare numbers with confidence.
January is the month for new resolutions, and as such, our students worked on their academic actions plans, setting goals alongside their parents and teachers during our Three-Way Conference.
CP learners had a blast using the interactive board to play a game about action verbs during the English as an additional language session.
Also, this year, one of our teams won third place in the MAKLympics straw bridge competition ( Level 1). Big thanks to @MakassedSaida and to all the staff who worked to make this event successful.
Toutes nos félicitations à la déléguée Nazek Barraj et le codélégué Ismaël Ezzo! Chacun des candidats a mené une excellente campagne et tous les élèves de la classe de CM1 ont voté dans l’urne. Un vrai processus démocratique !
Dans le cadre de l’apprentissage de la démocratie et de l’éducation à la citoyenneté,les élèves de CM2 ont été sensibilisés au rôle de délégué de classe en participant aux élections. Félicitations à Bassel et Aida pour leur élection
Kicking off our new unit with a journey through time! Grade 3 brought items from the past, sharing their stories and reflecting on how these objects have changed through years. A meaningful start to exploring connections between history and today!