During November 2023, the elementary department library continued to create a space for the learners to view themselves as readers. Over this month, the learners talked about the stories they borrowed from the library during October. This activity aimed to promote the learners’ presentation skills, and the presenting sessions were facilitated by our dedicated teacher-librarians in the presence of the Arabic language and English and French homeroom teachers.
The learners’ enthusiasm to talk about the stories they have read exceeded all expectations as they were aware that reading is not only done for information but also for pleasure. To add the suitable icing on top, the learners’ aided their presentations using different media, and the result was that we had an exciting creative gallery of recycled and non-recycled artwork, 3D models, posters, puppets, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and even plain summaries, all of which were posted to celebrate their efforts.
Most importantly, our young learners were able to use their home language in addition to the English and French languages to express themselves and communicate ideas when talking about stories.
Hala Al Kotob
PYP English Language, Library and Media Center Coordinator
Elementary Department