12th HHHSMUN Conference

- AMMUN 16 -

AMMAN Model United Nations (AMMUN) Conference 2016

A Cultural Experience

For the third year, Houssam Eddine Hariri High School participates in a renowned regional THIMUN Affiliated conference, the 15th AMMUN Model United Nations Conference, hosted by a prestigious school, Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) –Jordan. The event took place on October 19 to October 24, 2016 in both ABS campus and Hyatt Amman Hotel.

 Fifteen HHHS delegates went to participate in this year’s AMMUN which adopted the theme ‘We the Peoples’. It is a statement that has been resonating in the chambers and the hallways of the United Nations since its establishment in 1945 after WWII, pledging with determination the mission for which the United Nations was established. AMMUN XV gathered young people from all over the world to remind them about this mission and to have them celebrate the unity they get to experience in such events.

The Conference launched with a social event and an excursion that got the delegates to be introduced informally to each other. The excursion was to the famous Petra historical site where the students got to learn about one of aspects of the Jordanian culture, the Nabatean culture, which dominated that area and many areas in the Arab world. The magnanimity of the place was overwhelming especially when they reached the Treasury, Al Khazneh , which we usually see in books or in movies.

Lobbying and merging sessions started on the third day in order to be followed by two days of formal debate sessions. During which delegates delivered their speeches and debated amendments of resolutions simulating the diplomatic atmosphere that rules the United Nations chambers in the times of crisis. We had the privilege this year to have one of our students, Nadine Kawash, chair the General Assembly committee adding to the experience of HHHS delegation to this conference. Also we had two delegates participating in the GA3, an Arabic Speaking committee which discussed the protection of cultural sites, economy and its relation to fighting diseases, and the demographic distribution according to age groups.

 Being a memorable experience, delegates came back with those thoughts:

‘I was told some experiences outdate their time and live immortally to always remind a person of the glee and joy that are possible in life. Exchanging laughter, making memories, and sharing experiences were all unique highlights that made traveling to Jordan an unforgettable adventure. We encountered friendly hospitable people who welcomed us with radiant smiles and we wandered in Jordan's streets, historical locations, and malls fabricating with our steps memories that are ever sculpted in our minds. As for the conference, it was packed with a fruitful lesson telling us that it is not about the awards we leave the conference with but the values and the plans that thrive as a result of it…’ (Leya Bou Salman, Gr. 11)

‘AMMUN in Jordan thanks to ABS was my first international conference. Twelve conferences ago, I had my first MUN experience and I was told, “You can’t make it!” Probably because I used to be that shy person. However, I had the potential to nourish and it was exactly what I did. Realizing that I will be off to university soon, and I’ll most probably continue my MUN career somewhere around the world, I am glad that my last ‘delegate’ experience was where it was and with whom it was with. AMMUN is known to be a tiring three-day conference, but they managed to make it somehow enjoyable and fun. Focusing on prisoner’s rights, foreigner rights, and personal rights was hectic yet essential to find a solution for passing nine out of eleven resolutions. However, Jordan wasn’t only about the conference itself; it was also a breath-taking place to visit that has remarkable touristic sites such as Petra, which we visited, and many Malls where we shopped. Back to it being my last conference as a delegate I would like to salute our school that made this opportunity possible, the AMMUN organizers who made a successful conference, last but not least I would like to thank the AMMUN SQUAD (HHHS Delegates) who made this my best conference ever. (Omar Bitar, Gr.12)

‘This MUN experience was the best I have ever encountered; it was tons of fun from the Petra trip to the conference to the airport. Every second of the trip counted, for the preparation for the conference was very exhausting but it was worth it… Most importantly I think the best part of this trip was being responsible where I had to take care of myself. I would recommend the school to repeat this experience with other students and trust me, they will feel the same way we felt.’. (Ali Zaatari , Gr.10)

‘I am a shy person, and I get really stressed out when talking in public even in front of my closest friends, so how will I feel if I am in front of a dozen of people I don’t know…?...Eventually, I managed to control my feelings, and I really tried to have fun. I interacted with people of different cultures…This conference really lifted up my confidence and upgraded my way of thinking and my group work skills.’ (Lynn Jardaly, Bacc)

‘…I was proud of how they think about Lebanon as the most beautiful country in the Middle East. It was an interesting conference as it taught me how to speak up and defend my point as being the expert of the international monetary fund talking about the question Kashmir.’( Hashem Saffieddine, Gr.10) 

‘Perhaps my favorite part of the journey was visiting ''16:9 Widescreen'', a famous shop that sells all my favorite Manga and Anime books. However, the main goal behind this trip remains a humanitarian one which is the most important reason behind it. I am very happy and proud of what I have accomplished and I always seek to be as much productive, efficient and dynamic as I can.’ (Lina Abou Zeinab, Gr.10)

كانت رحلتنا إلى الاردن رائعة ومميزة وغنية بالفوائد، فقد أفادتنا من جميع النواحي، إذ ساعدتنا في التعرف إلى رفاق جدد، سواء كانوا من الاردن او من مدرستنا ذاتها. كما استطاعت هذه التجربة تنمية قدرات التواصل لدينا، حيث اننا كنا نتعامل مع اشخاص من مجتمعات أخرى، سواء كانوا من الاردن او فلسطين او السعودية او الامارات.
وقد تميزت رحلتنا بتوطيد العلاقة بين أفراد مجموعتنا، فكنا كتلة واحدة، متفقين ومحبين لبعضنا البعض. إضافة إلى أنّ هذه التّجربة زادت من خبرتنا في برنامج نموذج الأمم المتحدة، وخوّلتنا نقلها إلى مدرستنا. و الأهم من ذلك، فقد تميزت هذه الرحلة بتوافقها مع منهجنا الدراسي، حيث أننا نتعلم عن الهوية والمجتمعات، ممّا ساعدنا على فهم درسنا اكثر، وشرحه بطريقة أسهل لزملائنا في المدرسة. ايضا، فنحن نتعلم عن الآثار وتاريخها، وقد ساعدتنا رحلتنا إلى البتراء في التعرف إلى آثار وتاريخ ومعتقدات جديدة. يضاف إلى ذلك تعزيز ثقتنا بأنفسنا من خلال الاعتماد على الذّات وتحمل المسؤولية.
 رحلتنا إلى الأردن هي تجربة مهمة ستبقى في ذاكرتنا، وهي تجربة نحب أن نعيدها. نهاية، نشكر المدرسة على إتاحتها هذه الفرصة لنا، فهي تساعدنا على بناء شخصيتنا، وتخريج جيل واع يساهم في نهضة وطنه.
تلميذ الصف الثانوي الأول
وليد قداح

Hiba Chamandi and Nagham Abou Ali
English Lanaguage Instructors
MUN Coordinators



Email: mun@mak-hhhs.edu.lb
Phone: +961 (7) 739898
              +961 (7) 753939
Fax:      +961 (7) 739797


Sharhbil, Bkousta
Saida, Lebanon
P.o.box: 67

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